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Single tensioned pelvis

Intension Designs - Tom Flemons is an artist and inventor that has employed tensegrity principles for 30 years to design portable structures, free-standing fences, children's toys (Skwish), furniture, mobiles and sculptures.



Feet on massage pad

Nutritious Movement is a portal to an idea—that you are how you move. Katy Bowman has since shifted her focus to other projects (Most notably, her podcast, Katy Says.), but her blog remains a great resource for learning about her refreshing take on exercise and movement.

Anatomy Trains book

Anatomy Trains lays out fascial and myofascial ‘anatomy of connection’ throughout the body, giving you the ability to map the pattern and shape the change – no matter what your manual therapy or movement modality.


Developed by author and bodyworker Thomas Myers in the 1990’s, Anatomy Trains has been welcomed and included in the curriculum by diverse health professionals, including physical therapists, personal trainers, athletes and coaches.



Functional Patterns is one of the most forward thinking and practical systems of exercise in the world today. Naudi Agular has contributed a lot to the field, although his sometimes-unfriendly demeanor has not won him many friends in the fitness industry. However we all have our flaws and to dismiss his work based on his personality would be a huge mistake for both athletes and those seeking relief from aches and pains. 


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